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Sunday with Prek Eng 2

Written by Becky:

We started out Mother's Day with an early run to the market to buy flowers to celebrate Sopal. She is the mother of all the kids at PE2 and is absolutely amazing! While they don't celebrate Mother's Day here, I wanted her to know how very special she is. I have never met a more loving, nurturing, caring & giving woman; she is the hands and feet of God to these children. They are richly blessed to have her in their lives & her love for her family is so very evident. As if she hasn't enough children to care for, she has welcomed Caleb & Faith with open arms. She has helped me in our endeavor to get Faith to eat, given us special drink packs to hydrate her, fought for me in the market when trying to buy clothes that first day, she sends us home with fresh mangos, watermelons and bananas, and made amazing meals for our family. The love of Jesus radiates from Sopal! God, I pray that you would richly bless her.

After buying flowers in the market we took about a 25 minute tuk tuk ride out to Asia's hope Christian school where we worshipped with all of the Prek Eng kids @ 8:30 am. PE2 did a special song; so very precious. While we didn't understand a word of the service, it was beautiful to join with these kids in worship.

We walked to PE2 with the kids after church and let game time begin! We played Phase 10, football, soccer, sang worship songs, hide & seek, cat & mouse, sandman, and many other games. In the midst of all the games, we enjoyed lunch together and had a special opportunity to pray for Soriya as she begins too think about college. Soriya is in 10th grade and is the oldest biological child of Narun & Sopal; she is precious and has such a tender heart.

In the heat of the afternoon, Caleb began breaking out in an itchy rash. I wasn't sure what to do for him, but the kids knew exactly what he needed, cooling powder. They so lovingly powdered his entire neck, chest and face for the rest of the afternoon. Whenever the powder began to sweat off, they would reapply it. You guys I wish I could aptly convey the love that these kids pour out so freely. It was so very sweet to watch them lovingly take care of Caleb. In the same way, they are constantly wiping off the sweat from Jeremy's head; such a beautiful picture of servanthood.

I was telling Jeremy that over these past two days I have seen a transformation in Caleb. It's difficult to put into words, but I have seen him let go of his inhibitions and just really embrace his new family. Saying goodbye to these dear friends at the end of our time will be so very hard. But for now, we'll enjoy every minute that we have together.