Drawing on a Bentley with friends, old and new.

It’s not every day you are asked to draw with permanent markers on a $250,000 Bentley in front of hundreds of your peers and some of the most talented creatives in the industry. With only two hours to complete this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity at 2017's Creative South Conference, I was more than a little nervous. 

This is not the way I work.

Typically, I go through rounds of rough sketches, next trace a few versions in pencil on my light box to get it just right, then scan my art into Illustrator and lastly work on the computer to finalize my illustration. Not so in this case. We walked up to this gorgeous automobile and were handed a box of fat tipped markers. No holds barred, no "Edit > Undo." Every mark was permanent. 

When Dylan asked me to be on his team this year at Creative South, my initial response was “NO WAY!” I quickly reminded myself of a promise I made when I took the leap to work for myself in 2009. “I will take every opportunity God sends my way and I will not say 'no' to anything simply out of fear.” This has been a guiding principle in my business over the past 7 years and it has opened many doors and skill sets I would not have otherwise found. 

I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me – Philippians 4:13

So next time you are asked to do something that terrifies you to the core and you realize that you are indeed equipped for the task but it is only fear keeping you from taking that box of markers and expressing your gift, look it in the eye, and accept the challenge. You only live once and you'll only become a better person because of it. 

I’m grateful for the opportunity.


The unbelievably talented line up:

Launching Joy Venture


Joy Venture is our impassioned yet fully imperfect attempt to inspire, nudge and, when appropriate, help others experience lasting joy in their life’s work.

Slagle Design is very pleased to announce a new direction. In addition to graphic design, illustration, and communication, we have partnered with Thad DeVassie of Ratchet Strategy + Communication to start something entirely new. 

We have been fortunate to work with companies large and small, but the ones that bring the most satisfaction are the startups and small businesses that are founded on joy. They are in retail, food and beverage, non-profit, fashion, heath and beauty, but they all have a similar story. They bring the highest ROI for the client, they have the largest impact on their bottom line and most of all, they extend their passion into something larger than themselves. 

They all experience the three stages of a Joy Venture:



Every venture starts with a discovery or desire to discover. It starts by putting yourself out there so discovery can occur. It is where inspiration is born and the seeds of purpose are planted. And it's the critical first component as you start your own Joy Venture.


Simply put, we're talking about action. What will you do now that you're inspired? How will you do what's next? Whether it's your vocation, recreation, ministry or volunteerism, a necessary pivot or a significant shift, you'll need to muster the dedication to convert your inspiration into something more. When you do, and experience the fruit it bears in you and others, real joy becomes evident.     


Remember what it was like before you were inspired to pursue and develop your joy? How did you get where you are today? We believe it starts with inspiration and encouragement -- the fuel in tank of any Joy Venture. You have  an inspiring story to motivate others to pursue their own joy.  So be that encourager. Speak from experience. Spread your joy. Remember, it can be highly contagious. 

For now, we are spreading joy through a podcast and a blog. We're lifting up fellow Joy Venturers to tell their stories in hopes of inspiring others to do the same. In the future, who knows where the venture will lead...so long as it's founded in joy.