New Savorista branding launches today!


Is there joy in your journey?

Or are you trying to cram too much into every day with the help of too much caffeine?

At Savorista, we want to help you find your proverbial North Star so that, rather than fueling busyness and overcommitment, coffee can take its rightful place in your life as something that lights your way. We’re proud to craft exceptional decaf and low-calf coffee that helps you lighten your load, find better balance, be more mindful, and... LIVE A LIFE WORTH SAVORING


Kait Brown knows exactly how you feel.

She felt the same way once, before she went on the adventure of a lifetime, learned how to live a caffeine-conscious life, and created her own life worth savoring.

Before she founded Savorista with her now-husband Daniel, Kait was guzzling coffee on her way to work, drinking more coffee to get her through the afternoon, working until 2 o’clock in the morning, and getting no sleep because she’d drunk so much coffee during the day. And, as if that weren’t stressful enough, her father was diagnosed with cancer, and she never got to see Daniel, who’d recently moved to Chicago to be with her. 

As everything she cared about started crumbling around her, Kait felt jittery, anxious, and close to collapse. She knew she should give up coffee, but it seemed like a horrible idea. She loved the flavor of coffee. She loved the ritual of coffee. And she loved her relationships that were built around coffee. Worst of all, she’d never even tasted a decaf that, quite frankly, didn’t suck.  That’s when she started to wonder, what if?. What if you could actually craft really good decaf? 

A year and a half later, Kait was caffeine-free and feeling better, and she knew she was ready for something...more. So, she and Daniel packed their bags, put everything in storage, and took off for a coffee quest in South America. They traveled  through Colombia, Kenya, Rwanda and Ethiopia, where they met with growers and decaffeinators, talked to producers and exporters, and tasted hundreds of coffees in blind taste tests. When the coffee they loved most out of sixteen turned out to be decaf, they realized decaf could be delicious. And with each day that passed, they discovered that their backpacks were a metaphor for the life they were living together—a life where THEY, not external factors and pressures, determined what they would carry on their journey. With their newfound clarity leading the way, they got engaged in Ethiopia, made amazing connections with exceptional growers, and focused on starting a world-class, caffeine-conscious coffee business

Today, Kait and Daniel are committed to helping others find their True North by encouraging them to use coffee to slow down, become more caffeine conscious, figure out what belongs in their own backpacks, and lead a life of joy. 


“I highly recommend Slagle Design and Verb Garden. Jeremy and Chris are fantastic to work with. They are creative, thoughtful and great listeners. Together they massively upgraded our visual branding and our strategic messaging. They listened to who we were, how we saw ourselves, and what we liked from a design perspective. We truly felt like we were on a tandem bike, working together towards a fantastic outcome. They built upon who we are, keeping the good stuff (like a particular slogan), refining some pieces (particular concepts) and reimagining others all together (like our logo and About Us copy). I'm thrilled that we chose to work with Slagle, as our visual brand through our logo and packaging now feels like a national premium coffee company. I'm looking forward to rolling out our brand!”

Kait Brown, Founder, CEO and Chief Coffee Lover, Savorista - Caffeine Conscious Coffee


Creative Strategy Partner: Verb Garden Inc

Location photos by Folchi Creative

Website design and development by Basis