Slagle Design

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Help us make some Cambodian kids smile

Excitement is building within the Slagle household as we prepare to leave for Cambodia in May--just a bit over a month away! Our kids are wrapping up the school year and are learning about the Cambodian people and their history. 

The primary purpose of our trip is to spend time with our extended church family: the staff and children of Asia's Hope Prek Eng 2 children's home—30 kids who can't wait for our visit. We have all of our travel plans and expenses covered but we really want to treat them to some special things while we are there. That's where you come in.

This is your opportunity, friends, clients, family, to treat orphans to a special meal, a trip to the zoo, a trip to the market to buy something special...

Please consider contributing some money to help us accomplish this task. 100% of the money we receive will be spent on the kids of PE 2. Let's show them how much Central Ohio really loves them. You may not be able to go yourself but any bit you can spare really adds up. The U.S. dollar still goes a long way in SE Asia.

To donate to our fund for the kids of PE 2 you can follow the link below. All gifts are tax deductible.

Join us on our adventure and follow our trip blog.

Thank you all so much!