Slagle Design

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Letterhead + Logo Design 12

Over the Christmas holiday, my wife and I had a night out (thanks Nana and Grandpa) and we stopped by Barnes and Noble to rest our feet. I always like to check out the design section to see if anything new is out and I was pleasently surprised to see the new Logo + Letterhead 12 book by Oxide Design. I picked up a copy and flipped through a few pages before I noticed one of my logos! Then another, and another...then a full page spread! Woah!...two more full page spreads! There are a total of seven pieces included in this book--spread out over 11 pages. Needless to say, that made my week! Pick up a copy on Amazon and you can save $16 off the cover price. Thanks go out to the fine folks at Oxide Design for curating this book and for including me as a part of it.


Link to Oxide's L+L 12 site here.